Quick Calendar Dates for ILTM 2024

Actions Needing Your Attention

If you fail to meet the Appointment Preferences and Appointment Requests deadlines, your final schedule may be negatively impacted. Appointment-related emails will be sent from [email protected], so please add this address to your safe senders list to ensure you receive them.

Task Opens Closes
Accommodation Booking
Available Now
First-come, first-served
Complete Your Profile
Available Now
4 October 2024
Register Your Sharers
Available Now
4 October 2024
Appointment Preferences (PSAs)
7 October 2024
30 October 2024 (4pm UK)
Online Badging
14 October 2024 (12pm UK)
5 December 2024 (4pm UK)
Appointment Match
31 October 2024 (9am UK)
8 November 2024 (12pm UK)
Appointment Requests (SSAs)
8 November 2024 (12pm UK)
22 November 2024 (4pm UK)
PDF Diaries Sent
22 November 2024 (5pm UK)
Mobile App
25 November 2024 (12pm UK)
3 January 2024 (12pm UK)

Please note that these dates are subject to change, so please revisit this site often. Last updated: 28/08/2024.


N.B. profiles amended/completed after the deadline run the risk of incorrect details on exhibitor listings (incl. during appointment selections) and onsite fascia/name boards.

Completing your exhibitor profile

A slick What You See Is What You Get design, the editable sections within the Exhibitor Portal resemble the published version. Once published, your profile will appear in the online Exhibitor Directory alongside your fellow brands, ready for the appointment selection process.

#1 - Your logo

This will appear in the directory, on your profile and in our app:
  • Format: jpg or png
  • File size: max. 1MB
  • Recommended: 180x180px

#2 - Your story

First things first, check your company name. This will be used everywhere: in the directory, in the app, on the floorplan, on onsite signage... everywhere!

Then describe your brand in under 600 characters. Be creative with your company description to stand out from the crowd, make it memorable. 

#3 - Your details

Make sure your basic company details are accurate and accessible:
  • Website: remember to include HTTP or HTTPS
  • Email: make sure the email address is valid
  • Phone: include your country dial-in code

#4 - Your filters

Select items that best represent your company and business goals to help the right buyers find you in the directory and select you during matchmaking.

Read each title carefully to make sure you separate filters about your brand (country of origin, product and geographical) and your target market (company type and geographical). 

#5 - Your team

Please register your ILTM Diary Holder in this section, please ensure you add them with the login role Diary Manager.

Please review the person listed as your Primary Administrator under the administrator tab.

Each administrator will be sent an email with their login information.

N.B. all information/assets uploaded in steps 1 through 4 will be visible on your Exhibitor Profile. Administrator details in step 5 will remain confidential.

Return to the portal

Now head back to the Exhibitor Portal to update your company profile and team administrators. If you are exhibiting at multiple RX events, please make sure you are editing the correct RX event and that your core description (Step 2) applies to all the events you are attending.